May 7, 2010

The First Food Post

Highlights of my food life:

- That first bite of coffee ice cream at the age of one. It opened my eyes to all of the possibilities of food.

- My first oyster at the age of 6, and the next 10 or so that I ate immediately after that one. This was when I really discovered my favorite food, oysters.

- My first super fancy meal that I remember at Rousillion in April of 2008. This was an amazing meal during a great trip to London.

- French fries and ice cream, pretty much whenever I can get them. These are two of my favorite foods and I could eat them almost everyday.

- Going to Momofuku Ssam Bar with my dad for my birthday last year. Oh my goodness, it was just so porky and delicious. My mouth waters just thinking about all of the delicious food we had.

- Going to L'Espalier to celebrate my bat mitzvah with a friend and our moms.
Now that was a high class meal, plus the food was pretty darn amazing.

- Falafel this past spring at a tiny shop in Jerusalem. It was very simple, but very fresh and that is what I think made all of the difference.

There are probably more great experiences that I have had, they are just not coming to me right now.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this piece. Great writing. Keep it coming, Mara.
